We're Back

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
I thought this blog was already deleted. I was so busy also with my own blog. So, how are you guys?

Actually, don't know what to say.

but you can visit this blogs:

Shadows of me
Movie Reviews
My Masterpiece
Celebrity Gossips
Health Alert
Miscellaneous Stuffs
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Do you have Sleepless nights?

Friday, March 27, 2009
Well, based on my experience, sleepless nights occur when you have something in your mind that bothers you.
But some of them call it Insomia. This happens when a person cannot sleep well at night. There are certain cures to Improve your sleep: Reduce the noise and light in your bedroom. In this case you are not disturbed with the annoying lights and sounds like tuning off your radio. Second, Remove television so that you are not tempt to watch the whole nights show. Third, Leave the bed if unable to sleep in 30 minutes, make yourself busy till you feel drowsy. Another factor also that regulates you to have a good night sleep. Warm yourself first or take a half bath, drink warm milk. Because having sleepless nights can ruin your entire day.
Avoid yourself from thinking of all the bad memories you had in a day. It will certainly affect your sleep.
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Piyaya Lover

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Me and my girlfriend have been a piyaya eater since we started working. After from a whole day's work and with the hectic schedules we had, all our energies burst out.
Eating piyaya together is one of our best hobby while walking along the streets in the downtown area. Replenishing ourselves and refilling our lost energy.
Mao na karon... nanambok na me..hehehehehh... dagko na ug mga bilbil intawon..hehhe
But thats fine..
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Through the Years - Kenny Rogers

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
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Internal Value widgetTitle

Monday, January 12, 2009
Internal Value defaultContent
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Biggest Shoe in Carcar, Cebu

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

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Plaza, Dumanjug

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